2023.07 – 至今 华南师范大学脑科学与康复医学研究院 特聘副研究员 合作导师翁旭初教授
2019.09 – 2023.06 北京师范大学心理学部 博士 导师陈宝国教授
1. Cong, F., & Chen, B. (2022). Parafoveal orthographic processing in bilingual reading. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
2. Cong, F., & Chen, B. (2022). The letter position coding mechanism of second language words during sentence reading: Evidence from eye movements. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
3. Cong, F., & Chen, B. (Under Review). The orthographic processing mechanism among high- and low-proficiency L2 readers: An ERP study.
4. Cong, F., & Chen, B. (Under Review). The status of the first letter elevates with language proficiency in L2 word recognition.
5. 丛凤娇, 陈宝国. (2021). 第二语言学习者形态复杂词的加工机制. 心理科学进展.
联系方式: cfj0227@163.com