1. 个人简介
李钰灵,北京大学理学博士,华南师范大学脑科学与康复医学研究院特聘副研究员。主要从事睡眠障碍等脑疾病相关研究,研究方向包括:(1)职业应激(职业压力、职业倦怠、抑郁、睡眠)的分子遗传和生化机制;(2)睡眠与学习记忆的脑机制。目前主要采用问卷测评、基因分型、生化分析、电生理(EEG和intracranial EEG)等方法来开展研究。近五年,在Journal of Affective Disorders、Journal of Sleep Research、Psychopharmacology等SCI期刊上发表7篇论文,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。
2. 教育工作经历
2023.07-至今 华南师范大学 脑科学与康复医学研究院 特聘副研究员
2018.09-2023.07 北京大学 基础心理学 理学博士 硕博连读
2014.09-2018.06 华南师范大学 人力资源管理 管理学学士
3. 代表性论文
(1)Li, Y., Cao, Z., Wu, S., Wang, C., He, S., Dong, Y., & Zhang, X. (2021). Association of job stress, CLOCK gene polymorphism and their interaction with poor sleep quality. Journal of Sleep Research, 30(1), e13133. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.13133
(2)Li, Y., Cao, Z., Wu, S., Wang, C., Dong, Y., Zhao, N. O., He, S., & Zhang, X. (2022). Association between the CLOCK gene polymorphism and depressive symptom mediated by sleep quality among non-clinical chinese han population. Journal of Affective Disorders, 298(Pt A), 217-223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.070
(3)Duan, Y., Li, Y., Yun, H., Kaplan, A. M., Kennedy, A., Dong, Y., He, S., & Zhang, X. Y. (2022). Interaction between the BDNF rs11030101 genotype and job stress on cognitive empathy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 308, 442-448. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2022.04.054
(4)Li, Y., Xue, T., Jin, J., Wu, H. E., Dong, Y., Zhen, S., He, S., & Zhang, X. Y. (2022). Interaction between the BDNF gene rs16917237 polymorphism and job stress on job burnout of chinese university teachers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 309, 282-288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2022.04.135
(5)Li, Y., Wang, Y., Guan, X., Yue, J., Wu, H. E., Zhen, S., He, S., & Zhang, X. (2023). Genotype-genotype interactions of the OXTR gene polymorphisms are associated with self-reported daytime dysfunction, sleep latency and personal distress. Journal of Sleep Research, 32(1), e13668. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.13668
4. 联系方式