

2023-09-07 09:40:00 来源:华南师范大学脑科学与康复医学研究院 点击: 收藏本文


一、 个人简介

耿红岩,博士,特聘研究员,202110月份入职华南师范大学。主要研究方向为神经精神疾病及其相关脑环路,已在Nature Communication, PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex等国际著名期刊上发表论文十余篇。当前主要运用光遗传、钙成像、电生理、单细胞RT-qPCR、行为学等技术研究神经精神疾病如自闭症、帕金森病、抑郁症等疾病的神经环路机制,以及运动学习记忆的产生,情绪记忆的形成与存储等脑环路基础。




2021.10—至今    华南师范大学特聘研究员

2017.4—2021.9  香港中文大学博士后,合作导师:Prof. Wing Ho Yung & Prof. Ya Ke

2011.9—2017.3   浙江大学神经生物学博士,导师:李晓明教授

四、 科研项目

1.   国家自然科学基金青年项目(32200815),M1L5锥体神经元顶树突与基树突在运动学习中的信息输入及调控机制,202311—20251231日,主持.

2.   国家博士后科学基金项目(2022M721218),M1L5锥体神经元顶树突的输入在运动学习早期阶段的作用机制研究,202110—202310月,主持.

五、 发明专利


六、 代表性论文

1.   Kou, Z.Q., Chen, C.Y., Abdurahman, M., Weng, X.C., Hu, C., and Geng, H.Y.* (2023). The Claustrum Controls Motor Activity Through Anterior Cingulate Cortex Input and Local Circuit Synchronization in a Preparatory Manner. Neurosci Bull 39, 1591-1594.

2.   Chen, C.Y., Yang, G.Y., Tu, H.X., Weng, X.C., Hu, C., and Geng, H.Y.* (2023). The cognitive dysfunction of claustrum on Alzheimer's disease: A mini-review. Front Aging Neurosci 15, 1109256.

3.   Yang, G.Y. #, Geng, H.Y. #, and Hu, C. (2022). Targeting 5-HT as a Potential Treatment for Social Deficits in Autism. Neurosci Bull 38, 1263-1266.

4.   Qiao, J.D., Yang, S.X., Geng, H.Y., Yung, W.H., and Ke, Y. (2022). Input-timing-dependent plasticity at incoming synapses of the mushroom body facilitates olfactory learning in. Curr Biol 32, 4869-+. 10.1016/j.cub.2022.09.054.

5.   Geng, H.Y., Arbuthnott, G., Yung, W.H., and Ke, Y. (2021). Long-Range Monosynaptic Inputs Targeting Apical and Basal Dendrites of Primary Motor Cortex Deep Output Neurons. Cereb Cortex. 10.1093/cercor/bhab460.

6.   Mu, M.D. #, Geng, H.Y. #, Rong, K.L. #, Peng, R.C., Wang, S.T., Geng, L.T., Qian, Z.M., Yung, W.H., and Ke, Y. (2020). A limbic circuitry involved in emotional stress-induced grooming. Nat Commun 11, 2261.

7.   Cui, Q. #, Li, Q. #, Geng, H.Y. #, Chen, L., Ip, N.Y., Ke, Y., and Yung, W.H. (2018). Dopamine receptors mediate strategy abandoning via modulation of a specific prelimbic cortex-nucleus accumbens pathway in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115, E4890-E4899.

8.  Geng, H.Y. #, Zhang, J. #, Yang, J.M., Li, Y., Wang, N., Ye, M., Chen, X.J., Lian, H., and Li, X.M. (2017). Erbb4 Deletion from Medium Spiny Neurons of the Nucleus Accumbens Core Induces Schizophrenia-Like Behaviors via Elevated GABAA Receptor alpha1 Subunit Expression. J Neurosci 37, 7450-7464.

9.  Wang, Y., Fu, W.Y., Cheung, K., Hung, K.W., Chen, C.P., Geng, H.Y., Yung, W.H., Qu, J.Y., Fu, A.K.Y., and Ip, N.Y. (2020). Astrocyte-secreted IL-33 mediates homeostatic synaptic plasticity in the adult hippocampus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.

10.   Cao, S.X., Zhang, Y., Hu, X.Y., Hong, B., Sun, P., He, H.Y., Geng, H.Y., Bao, A.M., Duan, S.M., Yang, J.M., et al. (2018). ErbB4 deletion in noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus induces mania-like behavior via elevated catecholamines. Elife 7.

11.   Zhu, J.M., Li, K.X., Cao, S.X., Chen, X.J., Shen, C.J., Zhang, Y., Geng, H.Y., Chen, B.Q., Lian, H., Zhang, J.M., and Li, X.M. (2017). Increased NRG1-ErbB4 signaling in human symptomatic epilepsy. Sci Rep 7, 141.

12.   Pan, G., Li, Y., Geng, H.Y., Yang, J.M., Li, K.X., and Li, X.M. (2015). Preserving GABAergic interneurons in acute brain slices of mice using the N-methyl-D-glucamine-based artificial cerebrospinal fluid method. Neurosci Bull 31, 265-270.

13.   Yang, J.M., Zhang, J., Chen, X.J., Geng, H.Y., Ye, M., Spitzer, N.C., Luo, J.H., Duan, S.M., and Li, X.M. (2013). Development of GABA circuitry of fast-spiking basket interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex of erbb4-mutant mice. J Neurosci 33, 19724-19733.

14.   翁玉悦,翁旭初,耿红岩*. (2024). 孤独症中不同大脑活动相关的基因表达变化.心理科学进展.

15.   范桂容,翁旭初,耿红岩*. (2024). 炎症性肠病与儿童孤独症谱系障碍的关系.心理科学进展.

# These authors contributed equally to the work.

* The corresponding author.