

2023-09-07 09:31:00 来源:华南师范大学脑科学与康复医学研究院 点击: 收藏本文






2022.05 – 至今   华南师范大学脑科学与康复医学研究院,特聘研究员

2019.04 - 2022.04  广州医科大学附属脑科医院  临床医学,博士后

2013.09 - 2019.01  中国科学院心理研究所  认知神经科学,博士

2009.09 - 2013.06  华南师范大学心理学专业  心理学,学士



(#: equal contribution; *: corresponding author)

1.  Zou, H.#, Huang, J.#, Zhang, W., Wu, J., Wu, W., & Huo, L.* (2023). The effect of cyberbullying victimization and traditional bullying victimization on suicidal ideation among Chinese female college students: The role of rumination and insomnia. Journal of Affective Disorders, 340, 862-870. doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.08.099 (JCR Q1 in Psychiatry)

2.  Pei, C., Fan, C., Luo, H., Bai, A., Ni, S., Luo, M., . . . Huo, L.* (2023). Sleep problems in adolescents with depression: Role of childhood trauma, alexithymia, rumination, and self-esteem. Journal of Affective Disorders, 338, 83-91. doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.05.095 (JCR Q1 in Psychiatry)

3.  Xu, H. #, Zhou, Y. #, Wang, J., Liang, Z., Wang, Y., Wu, W., ... & Huo, L.* (2023). Effect of HD-tDCS on white matter integrity and associated cognitive function in chronic schizophrenia: A double-blind, sham-controlled randomized trial. Psychiatry Research324, 115183. doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115183 (JCR Q1 in Psychiatry)

4.  Huo, L., Lu, X., Wu, F., Chang, C., Ning, Y. & Zhang, X. Y.* (2021). Elevated activity of superoxide dismutase in male late-life schizophrenia and its correlation with clinical symptoms and cognitive deficits. BMC Psychiatry(2021) 21:606. doi.org/10.1186/s12888-021-03604-5 (JCR Q2 in Psychiatry)

5.  Huo, L., Zheng, Z., Lu, X., Wu, F., Ning, Y.* & Zhang, X. Y.* (2021). Decreased peripheral BDNF levels and cognitive impairment in late-life schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12:641278. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.641278 (JCR Q2 in Psychiatry)

6.  Huo, L. #, Zhou, Y. #, Li, S., Ning, Y., Zeng, L., Liu, Z., ... & Zhang, X. Y. * (2021). Burnout and its relationship with depressive symptoms in medical staff during the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:616369. doi./10.3389/fpsyg.2021.616369 (JCR Q2 in Psychology)

7.  Huo, L., Zheng, Z., Huang, J., Li, R., Li, J., & Li, J.* (2020). Transcranial direct current stimulation enhances episodic memory in healthy older adults by modulating retrieval-specific activation. Neural plasticity, 2020, 8883046. doi.org/10.1155/2020/8883046 (JCR Q2 in Neurosciences)

8.  Huo, L., Lu, X., Wu, F., Huang, X., Ning, Y.* & Zhang, X. Y.* (2020). Diabetes in late-life schizophrenia: prevalence, factors, and association with clinical symptoms. Journal of Psychiatric Research 132(2020), 44-49. doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.09.026 (JCR Q1 in Psychiatry)

9.  Huo, L., Zhang, G., Du, X. D., Jia, Q., Qian, Z. K., Chen, D., ... Ning, Y.* & Zhang, X. Y.* (2020). The prevalence, risk factors and clinical correlates of diabetes mellitus in Chinese patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 218(2020), 262-266. doi.org/10.1016/j.schres.2019.12.029 (JCR Q1 in Psychiatry)

10.  Huo, L., Zhu, X., Zheng, Z., Ma, J., Ma, Z., Gui, W., Li, J*. (2021). Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on episodic memory in older adults: a meta-analysis. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 76(4):692-702. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbz130 (JCR Q1 in Psychology)

11.  Huo, L., Li, R., Wang, P., & Li, J*. (2018). The default mode network supports episodic memory in cognitively-unimpaired elderly individuals: different contributions to immediate recall and delayed recall. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience10, 6. doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2018.00006 (JCR Q1 in Geriatrics & Gerontology)

12.  Huo, L., Zheng, Z., Li, J, & Li, J*. (2018). Long-term stimulation does not improve executive function in healthy older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10, 298. doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2018.00298 (JCR Q1 in Geriatrics & Gerontology)

13.  余进,张宾, & 霍丽娟*. (2023). 精神病临床高危人群的脑影像特征及其临床应用. 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 32(5), 474-480. (CSCD)

14.  霍丽娟, 郑志伟, 李瑾, & 李娟. (2018). 老年人的脑可塑性: 来自认知训练的证据心理科学进展26(5), 846-858. (CSSCI & CSCD)

15.  霍丽娟, 王宝玺, & 李娟. (2014). 词语配对联想学习测验老年常模的修订. 中国心理卫生杂志28(7), 512-517. (CSCD)



邮箱:emily.hlj@163.com; lijuan.huo@m.scnu.edu.cn
