

2017-10-09 10:24:00 来源:华南师范大学脑科学与康复医学研究院 点击: 收藏本文




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1. Pengmin Qin, Haibo Di, Yijun Liu, Senmin Yu, Qiyong Gong, Niall Duncan, Xuchu Weng, Steven Laureys, Georg Northoff. Anterior cingulate activity and the self in disorders of consciousness. Human Brain Mapping. (2010), 12, 1993-2002.

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3. Pengmin Qin, Xuehai wu, Niall Duncan, Weiqi Bao, Weijun Tang, Zhengwei Zhang, Jin Hu, Yi Jin, Xing Wu, Liang Gao, Lu Lu, Yihui Guan, Ying Mao, Georg Northoff. GABAA receptor deficits predict recovery in patients with vegetative state. Human Brain Mapping, 2015, 36(10):3867-77.

4. Peng Zhang, Wen Wen, Xinghuai Sun, and Sheng He. Selective Reduction of fMRI Responses to Transient Achromatic Stimuli in the Magnocellular Layers of the LGN and the Superficial Layer of the SC Of Early Glaucoma Patients. Human Brain Mapping. 2016, 37:558–569.

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1.探索性研究:寻找功能区 (mapping)

2.机制性研究:Region-Of-Interest (ROI)-based 假设验证,fMRI-Adaptation

3.单变量平均信号强度 vs. 多变量空间反应模式的不同意义


5.个案分析 (case studies)

6.基于体素水平的脑损伤与行为关联分析技术(Voxel-based Lesion-symptom Mapping,VLSM)


Exploratory Research:

Atherton, M., Zhuang, J., Bart, W., Hu, X., & He, S. (2003). A functional MRI study of high-level cognition I: The game of chess. Cognitive Brain Research, 16 (1), 26-31.

Chen, X., Zhang, D., Zhang, X., Li, Z., Meng, X., He, S., & Hu, X. (2003). A functional MRI study of high-level cognition II: The game of GO. Cognitive Brain Research, 16 (1), 32-37

ROI-based Investigation:

He, S., Cohen, E.R., & Hu, X. (1998)  Close correlation between activity in brain area MT/V5 and the perception of a visual motion Aftereffect.  Current Biology, 8 (2226), 1215-1218.

Jiang Y & He S (2006). Cortical responses to invisible faces: Dissociating different neural subsystems for facial information processing. Current Biology. 16(20), 2023-2029.

Fang F, He S. (2005). Cortical responses to invisible objects in the human dorsal and ventral pathways. Nature Neuroscience. 8(10):1380-5.


Fang F, Murray SO, & He S. (2006). Duration-Dependent fMRI Adaptation and Distributed Viewer-Centered Face Representation in Human Visual Cortex.

Spatial Patterns of fMRI activation (MVPA):

Ma L, Jiang Y, Bai J, Gong Q, Liu H, Chen HC, He S, Weng X. (2011) Robust and task-independent spatial profile of the visual word form activation in fusiform cortex. PLoS One. 6(10):e26310.

Liu H, Jiang Y, Zhang B, Ma L, He S, Weng X. (2013). The orthographic sensitivity to written Chinese in the occipital-temporal cortex. Exp Brain Res. 227(3):387-96.

Functional relationship between ROIs:

Shao H, Weng X, He S. (2017). Functional organization of the face-sensitive areas in human occipital-temporal cortex. Neuroimage. 157:129-143.

Case Studies:

Yi W, Wu T, Chen W, Yuan TF, Luo B, Shan C, Li J, He S, Weng X. (2014). Left hemiparalexia of Chinese characters: neglect dyslexia or disruption of pathway of visual word form processing? Brain Struct Funct. 219(1):283-92

Cheung, S., Fang, F., He, S., & Legge, G (2009). Retinotopically specific reorganization of visual cortex for tactile pattern recognition. Current Biology, 19(7):596-601.


Daniel Mirman, Qi Chen, Yongsheng Zhang, Ze Wang, Olufunsho K. Faseyitan, H. Branch Coslett & Myrna F. Schwartz. Neural organization of spoken language revealed by lesion–symptom mapping. Nature Communications, 2015. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms7762.

Qi Chen, Erica Middleton, Daniel Mirman. Lesion-symptom mapping of omission errors in post-stroke aphasia. Journal of Neuropsychology, submitted.




动脉血自旋标记(Arterial Spin Labeling,ASL)是利用射频无线电波去改变动脉血中的水分子的磁共振信号状态,将它变成可以自由弥散的内源性示踪剂从而测量脑血流(灌注)的无创无注射无放射性的磁共振技术。改变水的磁共振信号过程称为标记。标记好的动脉水随动脉血流到成像区域以后通过毛细血管壁很快与组织细胞进行血氧交换进入组织中,由于这部分交换后的水分子信号与原来的水分子信号不同,导致脑组织的总体磁共振信号发生变化,这部分变化主要是通过组织的磁共振信号纵向弛豫时间(T1)来体现,具体表现为所采集的磁共振图像的像素值会出现与灌注量成正比的变化。通过比较标记和没有标记动脉血时采集的图像的差值就可以得到比较干净的只含与灌注相关的信号改变量。这些改变量通过相应的模型就可以转化成所需要测量的绝对脑血流值,完成最终量化测量过程。

动脉自旋标记根据其标记方式不同可以分为了三类:连续式自旋标记(continuous arterial spin labeling, CASL),脉冲式自旋标记(pulsed arterial spin labeling, PASL)和速度选择式自旋标记。前两种最为常见,应用最为广泛。

ASL FMRI直接利用动脉血中的水质子作为示踪剂,具有无创性和良好的重复性。与BOLD信号相比,ASL fMRI具有更好的空间定位和脑活动量化,直接反映不同状态或者任务前后的CBF水平,其物理意义明显;而BOLD信号的物理意义复杂,其反映的是脑血流、耗氧量和脑血量的综合指标。


ASL fMRI技术可用于考察认知任务的脑机制、不同状态下的脑神经活动,以及不同群体间的神经活动差异等研究,该技术如今被广泛应用于脑功能病变(如阿尔兹海默症)和认知神经科学(如睡眠研究)等领域中。


Ze Wang, Geoffrey Aguirre, Hengyi Rao, JiongJ Wang, Anna R. Childress, John A. Detre, Empirical optimization of ASL data analysis using an ASL data processing toolbox: ASLtbx, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2008, 26(2):261-9.

Ze Wang, Myles Faith, Freda Patterson, Kathy Tang, Kia Kerrin, E. Paul Wileyto, John A. Detre & Caryn Lerman. Neural Substrates of Abstinence-Induced Cigarette Cravings in Chronic Smokers. Journal of Neuroscience, 2007, 27 (51) :14035-14040.

Ze Wang, Improving Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification for Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion MRI by Removing Residual Motion Artifacts and Global Signal Fluctuations Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 29 (9):1288-303, 2011.

Aguirre GK, Detre JA, Zarahn E & Alsop DC. Experimental design and the relative sensitivity of BOLD and perfusion fMRI. NeuroImage,2002,15(3):488-500.