
Bingbing Song

2024-09-09 15:22:00 From:Institute for Brain Research and Rehabilitation of SCNU Views:


Bingbing Song, PhD in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He used to examine the influence of prediction in written word and face recognition, the relationship between predictive processing and reading skills, and expertise of Chinese character processing in adult second language learners using behavioral and EEG methods. His current research interests include: 1) the role of prediction in perception and language processing; 2) the cognitive neural mechanism of statistical learning and its relationship with dyslexia; 3) second language processing and acquisition of Chinese as a second language.



2024.09 – present  Associate Researcher in South China Normal University Institute of Brain Science and Rehabilitation Medicine. Supervisor: Prof. Weng Xuchu

2020.08 – 2024.07  The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Psychology. PhD Supervisor: Prof. Urs Maurer; Co PhD Supervisor: Prof. Werner Sommer



Song, B., Sommer, W., & Maurer, U. (2024). Expectation modulates repetition suppression at later but not early stages during visual word recognition: Evidence from event-related potentials. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Song, B., Jiang, X., Maurer, U., & Li, S. (2024). Neural tuning for Chinese characters in adult Chinese L2 learners: Evidence from an ERP study. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.

Song, B., Sommer, W., & Maurer, U. (Under Review) Distinct repetition effects for visual words compared to faces and objects, but no modulation by expectation: An event-related potential study. European Journal of Neuroscience.

Maurer, U., Rometsch, S., Song, B., et al. (2023). Repetition suppression for familiar visual words through the acceleration of early processing. Brain Topography.

Jiang, X., Song, B., Jiang, Y., & Zhai, Y. (2020). A preliminary study on the readability formula of HSK reading test texts. China Examination. (In Chinese).


2022-2024 Neural Repetition and Expectation Suppression Effects and Their Modulation by Reading Skills and Autistic Traits. Direct Grant for Research 2021-2022. Funded by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Grant total: 90013 HKD (Co-PI, PI: Prof. Urs Maurer).

2021-2024 Neural mechanisms of predictive sensory processing of face and Chinese character: an EEG study. Seed Funding Support for Thesis Research. Funded by the Faculty of Social Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Grant total: 5000 HKD. (PI)



bingbingsong@m.scnu.edu.cn; 584454348@qq.com