
Lin Xiao

2020-10-21 14:49:00 From:Institute for Brain Research and Rehabilitation of SCNU Views:


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  Lin Xiao


Lin XIAO    Ph.D, MD,

Professor of Neuroscience                                     Email:

Focus on glial biology in health and diseases.         liuyangxiaolin@aliyun.com


General introduction 

Prof. Xiao’s Lab has a long lasting interest in uncovering the function of glial cells in healthy and diseased brains, with a special focus on the biologyical behavior of oligodendrocytes (OLs) and their progenitors (OPCs), which is responsible for myelin plasticity/remodeling in both development and adult central nervous system (CNS) and is highly involved in a wide variety of brain diseases from demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) to psychiatric disorders such as major depression and autism.


Prof. Xiao graduated from the Second Military Medical University (SMMU) and got his bachelor’s degree in medicine in 2002, and then Ph.D’s degree in neurobiology in 2007, under the supervisor of Prof. Yizhang Chen, member of Chinese Academic of Science. He was appointed associate professor of neurobiology in the institute of neuroscience in 2010 and worked as post-doctoral research associate in Bill Richardson’s (Fellow of Royal Society and Medical Science, UK) Lab in the University College London (UCL) from 2014 to 2016.  He has published over 10 original articles in distinguishable biological journals such as Nat. Neurosci., JBC, Glia, Endocrinology and Mol Endocrinol. as first or corresponding author(s). His work has been cited by for over 1100 times. He has chaired 4 research funds from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), as well as many other projects. He has been selected as members of several talent scheme such as ‘Rising-Star in Science and Technology’ (Shanghai), ‘Support Program for Excellent Young Talent in Science and Technology’(General Logistics Department, PLA), Shanghai Pujiang program, and was awarded GSK-‘Tomorrow Start’ in neuroscience by the Chinese society of neuroscience together with GSK (China), as well as Young Neuroscientist in Yangtze River Delta .


Research interests 

Glial cells make up roughly half of the total neural cells in the human brain. They have long been ignored simply as passive and supportive “glue” or “filling” elements for over a century since they were discovered. However, recent decades have witnessed a growing body of evidences showing the active involvement and important roles of glial cells in the normal function of central nervous system (CNS), as well as in various brain diseases. Thus, intensive studies on glial biology function is apparently needed to figure out how our brain works and allow a better understanding of many neurological and mental disorders that human beings have been suffering from. 

  Oligodendrocytes lineage cells, which consist of OLs and OPCs are the most abundant glial cells in the human brain and are responsible for the forming of myelin structure which wraps the neuronal axons that enables the saltatory conduction of the action potential and thus allow high efficiency transfer of neural information with in CNS. Recently, emerging studies including our own work have revealed an important role of adult new OL genesis and myelin formation in learning and memory. These findings argue for a critical supplementary mechanism of myelin plasticity in addition to the previously well-known synaptic plasticity underlying learning and memory.

Our team continuously aims to study the physiologic role of OL /OPC and myelin in brain function, as well as its involvement in various brain diseases. We take advantage of a combination of multiple experiment models including transgenic mice that allow manipulating and tracing of the new OL and myelin genesis or gene KO in OPCs in both developing and adult brain, as well as in vitro OPC culture or brain slices culture, human brain specimens, cuprizone induced mice demyelination etc. We also introduced in vivo multi-channel electro recording, optogenetics and calcium fiber photometry techniques to study the role of OL genesis/myelin plasticity in modulation of neural circuit activity. Specifically, our research directions include the followings:

  • l  The physiological functions of OL and OPC, especially in the regulation of neural circuit activity.

  • l  The key mechanisms for the failure of human CNS remyelination in demyelinating diseases and how to improve it.

  • l  The role of OL and OPC in psychiatric disorders such as autism and depression.

  • l  The glia-neuron interaction and (its)mechanism.

Education and Employments


       2019-            Professor, Principle Investigator, IBRR, SCNU

       2014 -2016,  University College London (UCL) Research

                        (Associate: William D Richardson Professor)

       2010-2019,  The Second Military Medical University,

                            Assistant Professor

        2007-2010,  The Second Military Medical University, Lecturer

        2002-2007,  The Second Military Medical University, PhD

        1997-2002,  The Second Military Medical University, Bachelor

Research Fundings


National Natural Science Foundation of China. Title: Effect of endogenous glucocorticoid on new oligodendrocyte production and myelination/remyelination. Project approval number: 31970913, 580K, 2020.01-2023.12 

National Natural Science Foundation of China. Title: CC3 sequestrates olig1 in the cytoplasm to inhibite OPC differentiation and myelination/remyelination. Project approval number: 31471013. 850K, 2015.01-2018.12     

National Natural Science Foundation of China. Title: Regulation of oligodendrocyte precursor cell differentiation and myelination/remyelination by NMDA receptor, Project approval number: 31270025.  850K, 2013.01-2016.12    

National Natural Science Foundation of China. Title: NMDA promotes the migration of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs). Project approval number: 30900431, 190K, 2010.01-2012.12   

广东省脑科学与类脑研究” 重点领域研发计划 专题五: 自闭症诊治方法研究(参与子课题:自闭症的致病基因鉴定、动物模型构建及病理机制解析)(项目号:2019B030335001)项目参与人,总经费3980万元,2019.09-2023.09

广东省脑科学与类脑研究” 重点领域研发计划 “专题二: 脑疾病治疗关键技术研究(参与子课题:研发神经再生新技术)(项目号:2018B030332001)项目参与人,总经费3456万, 2019.01-2023.01

华南师范大学高水平大学建设专项资金高层次引进人才科研启动经费,项目负责人, 200万元人民币, 2019.01-2022.12









Selected publications(# equal contribution, * corresponding) 

1)        Guo DZ#, Xiao L#, Liu YJ, Shen C, Lou HF, Lv Y, Pan SY*. Cathepsin D deficiency delays central nervous system myelination by inhibiting proteolipid protein trafficking from late endosome/lysosome to plasma membrane. Exp. Mol. Med. 2018, 50(3): e457. doi: 10.1038/emm.2017.291.

2)        Xiao L#, Ohayon D#, McKenzie I, Sinclair-Wilson A, Wright JL, Fudge AD Emery B, Li HL, Richardson WD*. (2016), Rapid production of new oligodendrocytes is required in the first few hours of motor learning. Nat. Neurosci., 2016, 19(9):1210-7. doi: 10.1038/nn.4351.

3)        Marques S#, Zeisel A#, Codeluppi S, van Bruggen D, Mendanha Falcão A, Xiao L, Li H, Häring M, Hochgerner H, Romanov RA, Gyllborg D, Muñoz Manchado A, La Manno G, Lönnerberg P, Floriddia EM, Rezayee F, Ernfors P, Arenas E, Hjerling-Leffler J, Harkany T, Richardson WD, Linnarsson S*, Castelo-Branco G*. Oligodendrocyte heterogeneity in the mouse juvenile and adult central nervous system. Science. 2016, 352 (6291):1326-9. doi: 10.1126/science.aaf6463.

4)        Yang W#, Xiao L#, Li C, Liu X, Liu M, Shao Q, Wang D, Huang A, He C*. TIP30 Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Differentiation via Cytoplasmic Sequestration of Olig1. Glia. 2015, 63(4):684-98. doi: 10.1002/glia.22778.

5)        Xiao L#, Hu C#, Guo DZ, Shen WR, Li C, Yang WJ, Liu XY, Huang AJ, Wang D, He C*, NMDA Receptor Couples Rac1-GEF Tiam1 to Direct Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Migration. Glia, 2013, 61(12):2078-99.

6)        Li C#, Xiao L#, Liu XY, Yang WJ, Shen WR, Hu C, Yang G, He C*. A functional role of NMDA receptor in regulating the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and remyelination, Glia, 2013, 61(5): 732-749.

7)        Xiao L#, Guo DZ#, Hu C, Shen WR, Shan L, Li C, Liu XY, Yang WJ, Zhang WD*, He C*. Diosgenin promotes oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation through estrogen receptor-mediated ERK1/2 activation to accelerate remyelination. Glia, 2012, 60(7):1037-52.

8)        Liu M#, Xiao L#, Liu S, Hu Y, Tian J, Gao G, Xie S, Guan Y*. Immunoregulation of myelin-specific CD4(+) T cell response by neural stem/progenitor cells: Role of prostaglandin E2. J Neuroimmunol. 2013, 255(1-2):32-8.

9)        Xiao L*, Hu C, Feng CZ, Chen YZ*. Switching of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-favorite intracellular signal pathways from ERK1/2 to p38 MAPK leads to developmental changes in NMDA neurotoxicity. J Biol Chem. 2011, 268(23): 20175-20193.

10)    Xiao L*, Feng CZ, Chen YZ*. Glucocorticoid rapidly enhances NMDA-evoked neurotoxicity by attenuating the NR2A-containing NMDA receptor-mediated ERK1/2 activation. Mol Endocrinol. 2010, 24(3):497-510.

11)    Xiao L, Qi AQ, Chen YZ*. Cultured embryonic hippocampal neurons deficient in glucocorticoid (GC) receptor: a novel model for studying nongenomic effects of GC in the neural system. Endocrinology, 2005, 146 (9): 4036-41.

12)    Xiao L Chen YZ*: Culture condition and embryonic stage dependent silence of glucocorticoid receptor expression in hippocampal neurons. J Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol., 2008, 111: 147-155.

13)    Wang W, Gao XF, Xiao L, Xiang ZH, He C*. KV7/KCNQ Channels are functionally expressed in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. PLoS ONE, 2011 6(7): e21792.

14)    Liu SJ, Yu M, He Y, Xiao L, Wang F, Song CC, Sun SH*, Ling CQ*, Xu ZH*. Melittin prevents liver cancer cell metastasis through Inhibition of the Rac1-dependent pathway, Hepatology, 2008, 47(6): 1965-1973.

15)    Li YX,  Ding SJ, Xiao L, Guo W, Zhan Q*. Desferoxamine preconditioning protects against cerebral ischemia in rats by inducing expressions of hypoxia inducible factor 1α and erythropoietin. Neurosci. Bulletin, 2008, 24 (2):89-95.

16)    Yang HY, Yu JP, Fu G, Shi XY, Xiao L, Chen YZ, Fang XH*, He C*. Interaction between single molecules of Mac-1 and ICAM-1 in living cells: an atomic force microscopy study. Exp. Cell Res., 2007, 313(16):3497-504.

17)    Qi AQQiu J, Xiao L, Chen YZ*: Rapid activation of JNK and p38 by glucocorticoids in primary cultured hippocampal cells. J Neurosci. Res., 2005, 80 (4):510-7.

18)    Qi AQ, Qiu J, Xiao L, Chen YZ*:  Rapid activation of ERK1/2 by glucocorticoids in primary cultured hippocampal cells.  Prog. Nat. Sci., 2005,14(7):760-766.

19)    Li XY, Qiu J, Xiao L, Zhu JQ, Chen YZ*: Rapid activation of p38 mitogen protein kinase by corticosterone in PC12 cells.  Acta Physiologica Sinica, 2001, 53 (6):414-418.


Positions available in Xiao’s Group


The lab is continuously recruiting ambitious and highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Graduate Students, and Research Assistants to study glial cells in brain function and brain disease. Candidates should send their CV to liuyangxiaolin@aliyun.com